Our Submissions

EDC provides expert advice and advocacy on behalf of all Canadians who want a healthier, cleaner future. We do this by tracking, monitoring and engaging with legislation and regulations. The results of which, we publish for public reference and use, here on Our Submissions page.

submission: Letter Requesting Rejection of Financing Proposal for Cedar LNG (2024)
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submission: Letter Regarding the Expectations for EPR in Ontario (2024)
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submission: 14 Canadian environmental NGOs sent a letter to express disappointment regarding the proposed amendments to the Impact Assessment Act (2024)
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submission: Response to the Reduction in the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds (Storage and Loading of Volatile Petroleum Liquids) Regulations (2024)
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submission: 70 Climate Organizations Call on the Canadian Government for a Science Aligned Taxonomy (2024)
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submission: 68 organizations urge the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks to Implement the Endangered Species Act as it was Intended (2024)
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submission: Comments on the Right to a Healthy Environment in CEPA Implementation Framework Discussion Document (2024)
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submission: 86 organizations call on the Government of Canada to fulfill its commitment to phase out public financing of the fossil fuel sector, including derivative petrochemicals and plastics. (2024)
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submission: Submission to Minister of Energy and Natural Resources On The Ending of the Canada Greener Homes Grant Program (2024)
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submission: Environmental and Labour Groups Join Forces to Demand the Federal Government Expedite Sustainable Jobs Bill (2024)
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submission: Brief for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development’s Study on Freshwater (2024)
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submission: Comments on the Notice of Intent to Create a Plastics Registry in Canada. (2023)
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submission: Response to the Framework on the Oil and Gas Emissions Cap (2024)
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submission: Consultation on Canada’s draft Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit (2024)
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submission: Comments on the Notice of Intent to Create a Plastics Registry in Canada. (2023)
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submission: Submission to Minister of Energy On OEB Decision Supporting Affordability for New Homebuyers (2023)
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submission: Recommendations on Climate Risk and the Integrity of the Canadian Financial Sector (2023)
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submission: Comments on Proposed New Requirements for Consumer Chemical Products Under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (2023)
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submission: Ensuring Carbon Contracts for Difference Won’t Undermine Carbon Pricing (2023)
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submission: Au Sénat du Canada pour encourager l’étude de la LFAC (2023)
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submission: To Canada’s Senate to Encourage Study of CAFA (2023)
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submission: Complaint: Enbridge Gas Deceptive Marketing Practices (2023)
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submission: Comment on the Proposed Pollution-Prevention Planning Notice for Primary Food Packaging. (2023)
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submission: Comments on Regulatory Framework Paper for Recycled Content and Labelling Rules for Plastics (2023)
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submission: Recommendations in Response to 2024/25 Federal Pre-Budget Consultations (2023)
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submission: Comments on Draft state of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) report and risk management scope (2023)
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submission: Julie Segal Testimony to the Standing Committee on Finance (2023)
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submission: Submission to Minister of Finance to Include Climate-Related Conditions to the Proposed Acquisition of HSBC by RBC (2023)
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submission: Environmental Defence Canada’s Submission to the UNFCCC on Achieving Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement (2023)
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submission: Sign On Letter Re: Eliminating Fossil Fuel Subsidies Through a Robust Assessment Framework (2023)
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submission: Submission on the Request For Information on Proposed Acquisition of HSBC by RBC (2023)
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submission: Submission on the Limits of Plastic Recycling (2023)
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submission: Submission on Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (2023)
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submission: Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Canada’s Support for the Line 5 Crude Oil Pipeline (2023)
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submission: Submission in response to Canada’s proposed zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) sales regulation (2023)
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submission: Recommendations in response to 2023/24 Pre-Budget Consultations (2023)
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submission: Expand the ban Open Sign-on letter (2023)
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submission: Comments on the Government of Canada’s Notice of Intent on the Labelling of Toxic Substances in Products, including Toxic Flame Retardants (2023)
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submission: Consultation on the Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit (2023)
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submission: Letter from Scientists, Academics, and Energy System Modellers: Prevent Proposed CCUS Investment Tax Credit from Becoming a Fossil Fuel Subsidy (2022)
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submission: Consultation on the assessment of the status of the Monarch and two subspecies of the Western Bumble Bee (2022)
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submission: Joint Submission Consultation on Targeted Review of the Pesticide Control Products Act (2022)
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submission: Consultation on the Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit (2023)
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submission: Submission on Conserving Ontario’s Natural Heritage (ERO #019-6161) (2022)
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submission: Recommendations on the Proposed Federal Regulatory Framework for Reducing Oil and Gas Methane Emissions to Achieve 2030 Target (2022)
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submission: 78 Organizations Opposed to the Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan (2022)
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submission: Submission to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources Regarding Federal Assistance to the Oil and Gas Industry (2022)
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submission: 70 Organizations Opposed to the Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetlands Evaluation System (2022)
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submission: ENGO’s comments on plastics recyclability and registry (2022)
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submission: Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2023-24 Federal Budget (2022)
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submission: Oil and Gas Emissions Cap: Discussion Paper Recommendations (2022)
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submission: Public Transit and the Path to Net Zero: Submission to consultations on permanent public transit funding in Canada (2022)
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submission: Submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development: Prioritize and Expedite Bill C-226 (2022)
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submission: Submission: Draft Guideline B-15: Climate Risk Management (2022)
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submission: Comments RE: Proposed Frame for the Clean Electricity Regulations (2022)
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submission: Letter from 113 organizations Re: Ending fossil fuel subsidies and public finance (2022)
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submission: Reducing Methane Emissions from Canada’s Oil and Gas Sector: Discussion Paper Recommendations (2022)
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submission: Submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development: Eliminating Fossil Fuel Subsidies (2022)
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submission: Call for action on Climate-Aligned Finance/ Appel à l’action pour un secteur financier aligné sur le climat (2022)
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submission: Briefing Note: Supporting Reuse to Get to Zero Plastic Waste (2022)
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submission: A Clean Electricity Standard: Discussion Paper Recommendations (2022)
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submission: Submission on Technical Issues Paper: Recycled Content for Certain Plastic Manufactured Items Regulations (2022)
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submission: Submission on Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations (2022)
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submission: Joint Submission From Environmental Groups on EA Requirements for “Advanced Recycling” Facilities (2022)
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submission: Backgrounder: Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Investment Tax Credit (2022)
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submission: Response to CSA Notice: Proposed National Instrument 51-107 Disclosure of Climate-related Matters (2022)
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submission: Submission related to principles guiding the elaboration of oil and gas emission caps (2022)
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submission: Submission on the Draft Technical Guide Related to the Strategic Assessment of Climate Change (2022)
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submission: Submission to British Columbia’s Oil and Gas Royalty Review (2021)
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submission: PH29.3: Recommended Parking Requirements for New Development (2021)
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submission: PH29.9 Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods: Multiplex Study – Interim Report (2021)
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submission: Letter to Sobeys and Walmart Canada to phase out toxic receipts (2021)
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submission: Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau on the re-introduction of Bill C-230 (2021)
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submission: Media Backgrounder: Expectations for Canada at COP26 (2021)
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submission: Letter on the federal government’s commitment to ban thermal coal exports (2021)
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submission: Submission to the Government of Ontario re: Alternative Low Carbon Fuels (2021)
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submission: Submission to Finance Canada re: CCUS Consultation (2021)
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submission: Backgrounder: Environmental Priorities for Election 2021 (2021)
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submission: Submission on assessing PFAS as a group (2021)
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submission: Carbon capture is not a climate solution (2021)
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submission: Climate Conditions on Government Spending Programs (2021)
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submission: Comments on Phase I Vista Test Underground Mine (VTUM) and Vista Mine Phase II Expansion Projects (2021)
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submission: Letter re: C-28 vote before World Environment Day (2021)
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submission: Comments on the proposed Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System Regulations (Canada) (2021)
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submission: OSFI Consultation: Climate-related risks in the financial sector (2021)
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submission: Letter on Export Development Canada’s Legal Obligations Regarding Climate Change (2021)
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submission: Submission on Bill C-230: An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to redress environmental racism (2021)
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submission: Submission to the federal Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (2021)
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submission: Women’s health and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (2021)
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submission: Briefing Note: Modernizing the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (2021)
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submission: Submission to the Standing Committee on General Government Regarding Bill 257:Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act (2021)
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submission: Feedback on the federal Output-Based Pricing System and Forest Products (2021)
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submission: Re: Review of Federal Offset-Based Carbon Pricing System (2021)
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submission: Ontario NGO submission on Hazardous and Special Products regulations (2021)
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submission: Letter from civil society demanding no subsidies for enhanced oil production (2021)
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submission: NGO letter on Plastic Pollution and Listing under CEPA (2021)
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submission: Environmental Defence Submission on Schedule 17 of Bill 197 (Amendments to the Planning Act) (2021)
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submission: Comments on the discussion paper for an Ontario low-carbon hydrogen stategy (2021)
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submission: Open Letter from 53 Organizations on Updating Export Development Canada’s Climate Target (2021)
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submission: A Renewable Hydrogen Strategy for Canada (2020)
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submission: Technical and Policy Recommendations to Natural Resources and Environment and Climate Change Canada on the Two Billion Trees Program (2020)
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submission: Draft Screening Assessment for Triclocarban (2020)
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submission: ENGO submission to federal government re: plastics (2020)
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submission: NGO Response to Draft Blue Box Regulations (2020)
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submission: Letter to Minister of Natural Resources re: Hydrogen Strategy for Canada (2020)
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submission: How to strengthen Bill C-12: Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act (2020)
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submission: Comments on draft terms of reference for conducting a strategic assessment of thermal coal mining (2020)
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submission: Comments on the Hydrogen Strategy for Canada: Draft Executive Summary (2020)
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submission: Submission to House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of 2021 Budget (2020)
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submission: Comments on the draft equivalency agreement for the Saskatchewan methane regulations (2020)
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submission: No federal funding for exploration drilling off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador (2020)
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submission: Natural Infrastructure is an Integral Part of Green Recovery (2020)
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submission: Support for Ontario’s Conservation Authorities (2020)
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submission: Banning non-essential, single-use plastics and moving toward zero plastic waste and plastic pollution prevention (2020)
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submission: Open Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau on Prioritizing Families over the Fossil Fuel Industry (2020)
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submission: Financial Support for Fossil Fuels (2020)
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submission: Joint Letter on Achieving Canada’s objectives through implementation of the Impact Assessment Act (2020)
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submission: Provincial Policy Statement Review Submission Made by the Ontario Greenbelt Alliance (2019)
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submission: Comments on the Government of Canada’s Draft Strategic Assessment of Climate Change (2019)
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submission: Draft 2020 Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health (ERO Number: 019-0198) (2019)
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submission: Draft Carbon Pollution Pricing: Options for a Federal GHG Offset System (2019)
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submission: Comments on Canada’s approach on non-tax inefficient fossil fuel subsidies (2019)
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submission: Comments on the proposed equivalency agreement with BC on methane regulations (2019)
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submission: Open letter on fulfilling commitments to restore lost environmental protections and credibility to environmental assessment processes (2019)
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submission: Comments on proposed re-evaluation decision for chlorpryifos (2019)
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submission: Notice of Application: Volkswagen legal case (2019)
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submission: Comments on Canada’s approach on non-tax inefficient fossil fuel subsidies (2019)
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submission: Letter to retailers on the need to phase out receipts containing bisphenols (2019)
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submission: Comments on the repeal of the Green Energy Act (2018)
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submission: Submission on a Made-In-Ontario Climate Plan (2019)
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submission: Joint Submission on Granting BC Methane regulations equivalency (2019)
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submission: Comments on the Government of Canada’s Discussion Paper on the proposed Project List: A Proposed Impact Assessment System (2019)
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submission: Open Letter to Environment and Climate Change Canada on Bill C-69 (2019)
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submission: Joint Submission on the Ontario Government’s review of Endangered Species Act (2019)
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submission: Joint Submission on the Conservation Authorities Modernization (Operations and Permitting) sections of Bill 108 (2019)
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submission: Submission to the Senate Committee on Making Bill C-69 Climate Safe (2019)
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submission: Comments on Ontario’s review of the Endangered Species Act (2019)
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submission: Bill 66 Submission to Standing Committee on General Government (2019)
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submission: Submission on Canada’s proposal for defining vulnerable populations (2018)
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submission: Comments on the repeal of the Green Energy Act (2018)
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submission: Remarks to Standing Committee re: Bill 4, The Cap and Trade cancellation Act (2018)
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submission: Submission on Bill 32: Access to Natural Gas Act (2018)
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submission: Joint Comments on Alberta Energy Regulator’s Draft Requirements for Reducing Methane Emissions (2018)
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submission: Comments on the Government of Canada’s Consultation Paper on Approach to Revising the Project List: A Proposed Impact Assessment System (2018)
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submission: Fixing Canada’s Broken Energy Regulator and Making Bill C-69 Climate-Safe (2018)
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submission: Joint Letter on Accountability and the Pan Canadian Framework (2018)
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submission: CCME Draft Framework for Zero Plastic Waste (2018)
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submission: Comments on Bill C-69 (2018)
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submission: Protecting our Water for Future Generations (2018)
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submission: Regulatory Proposal under Ontario’s Condominium Act, 1998 (2018)
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submission: Notice of objection for the re-evaluation of glyphosate (2017)
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submission: Submission on the Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Methane and Certain Volatile Organic Compounds (Upstream Oil and Gas Sector) (2017)
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submission: Submission on the Technical Paper on the Federal Carbon Pricing Backstop (2017)
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submission: Comments on the Government of Canada’s Consultation Paper on Approach to Revising the Project List: A Proposed Impact Assessment System (2017)
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submission: Comments in Response to the Report of the Expert Panel on the Modernization of the National Energy Board (2017)
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submission: Overhauling the NEB: Energy Regulation for a Clean Economy (2017)
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submission: National Energy Board Modernization (2017)
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submission: Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017 (2017)
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submission: Developing a Green Commercial Vehicle Program (2017)
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submission: Comments on the Environmental and Regulatory Reviews Discussion Paper (2017)
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submission: Discussion Paper on Addressing Food and Organic Waste in Ontario (2017)
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