Tell the Alberta government it’s time to turn the power back on for Alberta’s clean energy future!
This is a critical time for Canada’s climate future. Tell the Canadian government to stand up to the oil and gas industry and end fossil fuel subsidies.
Tell the federal government to designate the Pathways Alliance Carbon Capture and Storage project for federal environmental assessment.
Urge the federal government to protect people in Canada—and especially children—from harmful chemicals in plastics, backed up by a strong Global Plastics Treaty.
Speak up today to show Albertans are ready to break climate silence by demanding strong climate action.
Mr. Sprawl is a cartoon character, but the problems he represents are very real and dangerous.
This is our chance to strengthen the proposed emissions cap on oil and gas pollution
A privately-owned waste incinerator on the border between Brampton and Mississauga in Peel Region is planning to quadruple its operations to become the largest waste burning facility in Canada. More garbage burning means more air pollution, including toxic emissions that can cause cancer, asthma and chronic lung disease. Peel residents don’t deserve to breathe Ontario’s garbage.
Tell Premier Doug Ford and Energy Minister Todd Smith to take our climate crisis seriously, stop expanding gas generation, and build a clean energy grid – now!
Add your voice in solidarity with Indigenous communities impacted by the tar sands toxic tailings.
Ongoing exposure to PFAS “forever chemicals” poses a significant health risk. Tell the federal government to ban PFAS.
If grocery stores won’t clean up their act when it comes to plastic packaging, then the government must require it! Tell the government you support regulations for grocery store packaging.
Tell the federal government to save Canada’s public transit systems from a downward spiral of service cuts and fare hikes.
Tell the federal government to support the closure of Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline and protect the Great Lakes
What’s more, oil and gas companies are turning record profits – so why are they asking hard-working tax-payers to fund their failing emissions reductions projects?
Send a letter urging the Federal Government to strengthen the Clean Electricity Regulations and keep their promise to achieve a 100 per cent net-zero emitting electricity system by 2035.
Even amid the climate crisis, Big Oil has big plans to increase fossil fuel production.
Oil and gas companies have profited immensely for decades from activities that are fueling the climate crisis, and polluting our land and water. These rich companies are using their influence to extract tax breaks and handouts from the Canadian government.
Allowing industry to release the tailings in the river is not a solution.
Algae blooms continue to threaten the health of Lake Erie and those who rely on it. But government actions to restore and protect the lake have been stalled.