About the complaint:

Environmental Defence, along with Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, and a number of impacted residents have submitted a request that the Commissioner of Competition commence an inquiry into deceptive marketing practices by Enbridge Gas Inc. (“Enbridge”) under s. 9 of the Competition Act. As detailed in our complaint, Enbridge is misleading consumers into connecting to its gas system using false and misleading representations contrary to sections 52 and 74.01 of the Competition Act. Enbridge is telling potential customers that gas is the most cost-effective way to heat their homes and suggesting that it is “clean energy” and “low carbon.” None of these representations are true. These representations are causing real harm. Customers in gas expansion areas stand to lose approximately $20,000 on average if they switch to gas instead of installing a high-efficiency electric heat pump (over the lifetime of the equipment). This will also create far more carbon pollution, making it more difficult and expensive to reach federal climate targets. 

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