Without urgent action, Canada will experience climate change twice as fast as other parts of the world. Yet Canada has missed every climate target we’ve ever set, and is still approving new fossil fuel projects that will lock us in to future greenhouse gas emissions.

The Solution

By pushing for strong climate change action and accountability, we’re helping build a healthier future for everyone. Through our programs, we’re working to build more sustainable communities, challenging the power of the fossil fuel industry and ensuring Canada does our fair share to fix this global crisis.

Clean Transportation

Clean Transportation

To reduce transportation emissions, Canada should make electric vehicles affordable and accessible and invest in clean transportation solutions like public transit and cycling.

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Aligning Finance with Climate Action

Aligning Finance with Climate Action

Redirecting the financial sector is key for Canada to succeed on climate action. Together we can protect the climate and the economy by cleaning up Canada’s Finance.

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Stopping Toxic Tailings Growth

Stopping Toxic Tailings Growth

Environmental Racism in the Tar Sands

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Stop subsidizing the oil and gas industry

Stop subsidizing the oil and gas industry

Click here to see our running list of Canada’s subsidies to the fossil fuel industry

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Put a limit on oil and gas pollution

Put a limit on oil and gas pollution

The oil and gas industry needs to clean up its act. An emissions cap to limit the industry’s pollution is an important start.

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Hold Canada's Climate Villains accountable

Hold Canada's Climate Villains accountable

The fossil fuel industry's practices continue to exacerbate climate crisis. Big Oil has known this for decades yet continued to expand and finance climate-wrecking fossil fuels, block climate action, and spread disinformation.

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Ensuring a Just Transition for Workers and Communities

Ensuring a Just Transition for Workers and Communities

A sustainable economy must not leave workers and communities behind but create a better future

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Phasing Out "Natural" Gas in Ontario

Phasing Out "Natural" Gas in Ontario

Ontario needs to phase out, not ramp up the use of fossil gas to generate electricity. And it’s possible if Ontario invests in clean solutions like solar and wind, along with battery storage which allows the energy to be used when needed.

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What you can do

Big problems require big solutions, and all of us can help make the changes we want to see. By signing petitions and attending events, you can make your voice heard and help to affect change.


Join The Community

Change happens when people like you express your concern and make your voice heard. Join our email community to receive updates about Environmental Defence’s work and find ways you can help our efforts to end climate change.

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