Julia Levin
Associate Director, National Climate
Julia’s earliest memories as a child are of protecting wildlife, planting trees and cleaning up litter. This interest led her to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology from McGill University. She then moved to Italy where she worked as a secondary school science and geography teacher. A desire to combine her interest in education with community organizing led her to complete a Masters in Adult Education and Community Development from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Since then, she has worked at Greenpeace Canada and Oceana Canada. For over a decade, Julia has been involved with grassroots climate justice organizing across the world. Julia is very excited to work with Environmental Defence, where she advocates for climate action and the phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies.
Read Julia's Posts
Aug 07, 2020
Total implosion in the tar sands
Last week, French energy giant Total, one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies,…
May 27, 2020
Meet Export Development Canada, the secretive crown agency financing the big oil bailout
This is the second in our series of blogs about how governments are bailing out…
May 25, 2020
Why bailing out oil and gas is a bad recovery strategy for Canada
Last week, the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund was the latest financial institution to split…
Jan 14, 2020
8 Reasons To Reject Teck’s Massive New Tar Sands Mine
Update, December 2020: In February 2020, Teck Resources scrapped its application for the Frontier tar…
Dec 10, 2019
With the arrival of Ministers today, will we see more ambition at this year’s UN climate talks?
As a newbie to the UN climate negotiations, I entered COP25 (the 25 Conference of…
Sep 05, 2019
A just transition is possible – but Canada keeps subsidizing oil companies
How often do you think about the future you’d like to see? When I imagine…
Jun 27, 2019
We stopped the oil and gas industry from gutting Canada’s environmental laws!
With the passage of Bill C-69 last week, the federal government has fulfilled its commitment…
Apr 15, 2019
What Canadians stand to lose if the Senate guts Bill C-69
This month, the Senate is doing something they very rarely do – they’re on tour….