This year, we celebrated four decades of Environmental Defence—four decades of carefully selecting issues, setting ambitious yet achievable goals, and making progress alongside our supporters and partners. Despite our efforts, we continue to face some of the most challenging times in human history.


Building A Clean Economy

An important way for Canada to advance a clean economy is to pass the Climate Aligned Finance Act, which would encourage banks, pension funds and insurance companies to shift their investments from polluting fossil fuels to clean renewable energy.

Ending Climate Change

The record wildfires across Canada in 2023 made clear the need to urgently reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The biggest source of emissions in Canada is the oil and gas industry, whose emissions are still rising.

Kicking Out Toxic Chemicals

The biggest win of the year came when, after years of advocating for stronger toxics laws, we helped win the passage of Bill S-5! This bill was the first major update to Canada’s cornerstone environmental law, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), in almost 25 years. It included new tools that can better protect us and the environment from harmful substances, including recognizing the ‘right to a healthy environment’ for the first time under federal law.

Ending Plastic Pollution

This year, the plastics campaign took a deep dive into the impacts of plastic pollution at every phase of its existence – from production and use to disposal. We highlighted the full life cycle of plastic and the associated harms to people and the environment, then brought it down to earth with a focus on what we all encounter too much every day: plastic at the grocery store.

Ontario Yours to Protect

In 2023, 17 years after its creation, Premier Doug Ford broke his promise to never touch the Greenbelt by opening large areas to developers, many of whom were his personal friends. This decision triggered the most significant environmental battle in Ontario’s history.

Safeguarding Canada’s Freshwater

On August 16, 2023, EDC hosted its 7th annual #WeAreLakeErie Day — our yearly social media initiative to raise awareness and engage the public on Lake Erie issues.


We wouldn’t exist without you. You signed petitions, attended our events, wrote and called the government and financially supported our programs.

Everything we do is made possible because of your generosity, enthusiasm, passion, and dedication. You inspire us to continue to build a better future by fighting the climate crisis, stopping plastic pollution, eliminating toxic chemicals, saving our forests, farms and wetlands and protecting our freshwater.

An Evening of Inspiring Change

On April 4, 2024, we came together to celebrate our collective achievements in the last four decades and to envision a better future – one based on hope and not blind optimism.

Elin Kelsey’s message of evidence-based hope and our Executive Director Tim Gray’s inspiring speech, energized us with a renewed sense of determination to continue to fight to protect our environment.

The evening culminated in a moving multimedia musical performance Walking through Fire by Chris McKhool, Elder Duke Redbird, Alyssa Delbaere-Sawchuk, Danton Delbaere-Sawchuk Marc Meriläinen, and Shannon Thunderbird.


Award in honour of the recipient’s service to protecting Canada’s environment

Dr. Ingrid Waldron is a pioneering interdisciplinary scholar at the forefront of creating awareness for and addressing environmental racism. She has advanced the conversation on environmental justice through her pivotal involvement in advocating for Bill C-226 – The National Strategy Respecting Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice.  Dr. Waldron has also been a driving force in strengthening the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) to include the right to a healthy environment.

Through her research, advocacy, and leadership, Dr. Ingrid Waldron continues to drive positive change towards a more just and equitable future.


ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE is a team of passionate, creative, and talented people devoted to making positive change happen. Our staff and volunteer board work hard every day to protect Canada’s environment and human health. But we don’t do it alone. We also have an expert advisory committee that offers ideas, advice, and feedback to help us guide our programs.


It takes all of our dedicated team working together to deliver the outcomes we’ve shared in this report. The program, engagement and communications staff along with our finance, development, and administration teams come together and deliver the change we have committed to our funders and supporters. For the full audited financial report, click here.


A BIG THANKS to all of the individuals and organizations who generously supported our efforts between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. Together, we accomplished more than we thought possible, and with your continued support, we know that we can accomplish even more in the year to come.