We live in a plastic world. Everything we buy is shrink-wrapped, double-bagged or cling-film coated, and it’s having an impact. Forty per cent of all the plastic made every year is made to be thrown away, and as a result our oceans and natural spaces are drowning in a sea of waste.
The Plastic Diaries is your daily reminder that there is a life beyond and outside this plastic bubble, and that we are empowered to break free.
#ICYMI: Plastic isn’t just all around us. It’s also inside of us
We’ve all seen that video of the turtle with a plastic straw up its nose. We’ve also read the news reports of the dead…Read More
It’s #PlasticFreeJuly. Let’s change the rules, so it’s easier for everyone to go plastic free
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, going plastic free felt like a Herculean task. But now more than ever it seems that everything is wrapped…Read More
Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s safe to break-up with disposable plastic
This week, a statement from over 100 epidemiologists, virologists, and other medical experts confirmed it: disposable plastics aren‘t safer than reusables. Just make sure…Read More
Are compostable plastics the solution to plastic pollution? We ask a scientist everything that you might want to know
More and more, consumers are seeing compostable plastic items—from plates and cutlery to garbage bags and coffee pods—on store shelves. But are these items…Read More
COVID-19, single-use plastics, and the economy—We answer some of your most pressing questions
Last week, we hosted a webinar about COVID-19, single-use plastics, and how Canada can both reduce plastic waste and help get its economy back…Read More
Here’s what you can do this Earth Day while you #StayHome
This year is Earth Day’s 50th anniversary. Although we’re stuck at home, it doesn’t mean we can’t do something to pay homage to this…Read More
Plastics and Pandemics: The real facts about single-use plastics and the COVID-19 crisis
A lot has changed over the last couple of weeks. Many of us are anxious about the future and worried about our loved ones….Read More
Mythbusting 5/5: Plastic pollution is our fault
It’s easy to feel responsible for the plastic mess we find ourselves in and naturally, we feel a sense of responsibility to clean it…Read More
Mythbusting 4/5: Burning plastic for energy is a great solution to end plastic pollution
From spewing harmful chemicals into our air to contributing to climate change, burning plastic waste is not a sustainable solution to end plastic pollution. …Read More
Rome wasn’t built in a day and #PlasticFreeJuly won’t end plastic pollution – but it’s a good start!
With #PlasticFreeJuly coming to an end, it’s time to step back and think about why this month exists in the first place. It is…Read More
Mythbusting 3/5: Plastic only pollutes the oceans
Yes, our oceans are drowning in plastic waste but it doesn’t end there. From the Great Lakes to the food we eat and the…Read More
Mythbusting 2/5: Increasing recycling rates will end plastic pollution
Recycling alone is not the key to solving our plastic pollution problem For many of us recycling is some sort of moral obligation; a…Read More
Mythbusting 1/5: Plastic pollution is Asia’s problem – not ours
Don’t kid yourself, Asian countries are not the only culprits for plastic pollution Few disagree that there is a plastics crisis on our hands….Read More
Plastic Pollution and the Myth of Convenience
Why do we have a plastic problem? There are many reasons. It is lightweight, flexible, strong and cheap. From the 1950s the world saw…Read More
A Day in the Life – Nine tips for zero-waste grocery shopping!
This is a guest post by zero-waste blogger Tara McKenna. Check out her Instagram @ZeroWasteCollective for more awesome tips and encouragement on living plastic…Read More
Feeling richer using less – the start of my journey to go plastic free
This is a guest post by Sophie Jacazio, Environmental Defence Outreach team member and zero-waste champion. Over the following blog series Sophie is going…Read More
Chemicals in plastics are harming your health – here are three simple things you can do about it
We all know that plastic pollution is harming wildlife. We’ve seen photos of turtles trapped in beer rings, whales with stomachs full of plastic…Read More
Plastic pollution is not your fault; why we should stop feeling guilty, and start getting angry
Reducing your plastic footprint is a fantastic thing you can do to help prevent plastic pollution. The more people who do it the better…Read More
Freaked out by plastic pollution? You’ve come to the right place
Welcome! This is your plastics intervention. Fret not, because you are not alone. The first step towards breaking free is to face the facts…Read More
Canada’s Plastic Pollution Problem – Watch the Video
Did you know that in Canada less than 11 per cent of plastic is recycled? Watch this video to learn more.
Feeling ready to face the plastics problem head on?
You've come to the right place. We've created guides to taking on plastics in your life and your community, or to challenging decision-makers to do more. Check out our fast fact sheets and visual guides, and then share your achievements with our community of change makers.
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