Phil Pothen

Program Manager, Land Use and Ontario Environment & Counsel

Phil is a land use planning and environmental lawyer with a background in landscape ecology, landscape architecture and 10 years of experience advising and representing provincial policy-makers, select small builders, and concerned residents. He joined EDC to advance “big-picture” approaches to problems he has dealt with case-by-case – a comprehensive alternative vision for development and industry that meets people’s needs while preserving Ontario’s natural spaces, farmland and other “greenfields” in perpetuity. Having spent his early summers searching out berries, moose tracks and rabbit burrows in the woods and barrens near his house, he has been pleased to introduce his three children to the many similar pleasures available in Toronto’s own urban ravines.

Read Phil's Posts

Sep 15, 2022

Environmental Defence Urges Municipal Candidates to Protect Ontario’s Environment by Building A Lot More Homes in Existing Neighbourhoods 

Homes for 1.4 million more needed in Toronto by 2051, while other communities must quickly…

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Sep 08, 2022

In This Year’s Municipal Election, Densifying Post-WWII Suburbs Is Environmental Priority #1

Sprawl has got to stop, and this fall’s municipal elections are your chance to make…

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Jun 14, 2022

5 Things You Can Do Over the Summer to Protect Ontario’s Environment

In the recent election, a solid majority of Ontarians voted for candidates who promised to…

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May 31, 2022

Ontario Election 2022 Issues Guide: Endangered Species, Conservation Authorities, Aggregates & Water Pollution

For the past four years, Ontarians have witnessed  an unremitting attack on the many of…

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May 31, 2022

Ontario Election 2022 Issue Guide: How Each of the Political Parties Would Tackle Climate Change

As with many environmental issues, when it comes to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas…

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May 20, 2022

Ontario Election 2022 Issue Guide: What will Ontario’s Provincial Political Parties Do to Cancel the Big Sprawl?

As we told you last month, Ontario’s government is poised to lock in 30 years…

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Apr 01, 2022

The Big Sprawl and the Ontario election

The outcome of this year’s provincial election will determine how Ontarians will live, work, relax,…

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Dec 07, 2021

Ontario Auditor General’s Environment Audits Reveal a Government That’s Abandoned Its Obligation to Protect the Environment

If the government of Ontario hoped that abolishing the Environment Commissioner, and transferring the position’s…

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Nov 26, 2021

Hamilton Votes to End Sprawl: Stop Sprawl Hamilton saves thousands of acres & sets a precedent for the GTHA

In a game-changing victory for the people of Hamilton and the future of the region’s…

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