Keith revised

Keith Brooks

Programs Director

Keith was born in the ‘burbs just outside Toronto, but his passion for the environment was born in a canoe on the rivers and lakes of Northern Ontario. Keith pursued a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences from the University of Guelph and then worked for a number of years in the environmental consulting field, before enrolling at York University where he earned a Master of Environmental Studies. The move from scientist and consultant to advocate was provoked by the recognition that more science cannot solve the environmental challenge on its own. Our challenge lies not in knowing what must be done, but in doing it. We cannot choose between the environment and the economy. We can and must have both. It is this outlook which ultimately led Keith to his current role as the Programs Director at Environmental Defence.

Read Keith's Posts

Oct 27, 2020

How to talk to your friends and family about the oil industry – part 1

For many of us the oil industry is one of those big divisive subjects that…

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Sep 29, 2020

Here’s why Shell should quit CAPP, the Canadian oil lobby

Ever heard of CAPP, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers? You’d be forgiven for saying…

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Sep 03, 2020

Good news for a change for endangered species and sensitive ecosystems

2020 will be one for the books. Watching a nightly newscast is like watching a…

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Jun 24, 2020

How we build a green and just recovery for Canada

As we chart our post-COVID future the Canadian government will have to help the economy…

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May 20, 2020

Don’t let sprawl developers pave over the Carruthers Creek headwaters

Developers want to pave over a sensitive ecological area and prime farmland in Durham Region….

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Feb 27, 2020

The Ontario government’s post-truth war on climate change

Since gaining office a year and a half ago, the Ontario government has taken a…

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Oct 23, 2019

Climate Action and the Environment won – that’s the big take away from the 2019 Federal Election

In the 2019 Federal Election, Canadians were divided on which party to vote for, and…

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Sep 16, 2019

This election, don’t buy what Big Oil is selling

As the federal election kicks off, the oil industry is sparing no expense to convince…

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Nov 16, 2018

Bans, targets and government action: What to look for in Canada’s plastics plan

Next Friday, November 23rd, is the 2018 meeting of the Canadian Council of Ministers of…

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Jul 25, 2018

Algae, caused by climate change, is causing climate change

What does algae have to do with climate change? And nuclear power, you ask? Good…

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