Pollution Solutions

About The Report: Taking action on climate change means cleaner air, faster commute times, more comfortable homes, smarter communities, better buildings, and healthier people….Read More

2019 Annual Report

From helping Canadians send over 190,000 letters to government and industry to securing 11 key environmental protection wins, 2018/2019 was a big year for…Read More

Our Supporters

Our Supporters Our organizational partners share our passion to protect the health of Canadians and the environment. They include those who participate in 1%…Read More

Incineration is not recycling

About The Report: Backgrounder on why incineration is not the answer to Canada’s plastic pollution problem.   Download the report (English) (Adobe Reader is…Read More

Smart Growth Toolkit

About The Report: This report suggests opportunities and tools for public engagement in the planning process. It is the outcome of a workshop session…Read More