Emilia Belliveau

Emilia Belliveau

Program Manager, Energy Transition

Emilia has worked on climate and environmental justice issues since 2012, as a community organizer, academic researcher, campaigner with environmental non-profits, and as a policy analyst in the British Columbia (BC) Ministry of Energy. Before joining Environmental Defence, she worked with remote First Nations in BC to accelerate the transition off of diesel with community-led renewable energy projects and energy efficiency. Emilia holds a master’s degree from the University of Victoria (UVic), where her graduate studies in political ecology focused on the climate justice movement and fossil fuel divestment. At UVic she was involved with the Corporate Mapping Project, which investigated how corporate power is organized and exercised by the fossil fuel industry. In her spare time, Emilia can be found either on the dance floor, outside getting curious about ecosystems, reading a good book, or enmeshed in a creative project.

Read Emilia's Posts

Dec 12, 2023

Six Easy Ways to Get Involved in Climate Action

If you’re concerned about climate change and inspired to take action, and are looking for…

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Nov 29, 2023

October’s Top Lobbyist: Pathways Alliance lobbies daily and fossil fuel industry surpasses 1k meetings in a month

The fossil fuel industry has lobbied the federal government over 1017 times so far this…

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Nov 15, 2023

Lisa Baiton: Big Oil’s Climate Misinformation Maestro

The biggest barrier to climate action in Canada is the oil and gas lobby. For…

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Nov 07, 2023

Happy Birthday, Federal Oil & Gas Lobby Bot!

Happy 1st Birthday!  Dear Federal Oil & Gas Lobby Bot,  We’re so excited that you,…

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Oct 30, 2023

August’s Top Lobbyist: CAPP is spending big on socials to reach the public

In August, the oil and gas industry had 64 lobby meetings with the federal government,…

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Oct 26, 2023

Statement: New Estimate from Parliamentary Budget Office Shows Excess Profit Tax on Fossil Fuels Would Bring in Billions

Statement by Emilia Belliveau, Energy Transition Program Manager, on findings from a new Parliamentary Budget…

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Oct 16, 2023

Statement: Greenwashing on Full Display as Suncor’s CEO Rich Kruger Testifies Before Parliament

Statement from Emilia Belliveau, Energy Transition Program Manager, Environmental Defence Ottawa | Traditional, unceded territory…

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Oct 04, 2023

Pathways Alliance, Big Oil’s newest lobby group, is the most active oil and gas lobbyist in July

Seems like even oil and gas lobbyists take holidays over the summer – in July,…

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Sep 27, 2023

Susannah Pierce: A Climate Villain Painting Big Oil Green

Last week world leaders gathered in New York for the UN Climate Ambition Summit where…

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Sep 20, 2023

In June, while Canada was Burning, the Oil & Gas Industry Lobbied the Government 131 Times (and not for climate action)

This summer, people across Canada experienced the impacts of climate change in a way that…

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