It’s been more than 10 years since Canada promised to end subsidies to the fossil fuel industry – yet the federal government and some provinces increase tax breaks, write-offs and direct subsidies every year. And that’s just what we can trace through public information.
The Solution
Start by making all public financial support for fossil fuels transparent and accountable. And follow through on our promise to end these wasteful subsides that prop-up a dying industry.
Phase out BC’s fossil fuel subsidies
Phase out BC’s fossil fuel subsidies
BC has an image as a climate leader, but subsidies for natural gas will undermine the CleanBC plan.
Stop lending public money to fossil fuel companies
Stop lending public money to fossil fuel companies
Export Development Canada, Canada’s little-know export credit agency, spends 12 times more to finance fossil fuel companies than clean technology.
The FAQs about fossil fuel subsidies
The FAQs about fossil fuel subsidies
Learn more about Canada’s record on fossil fuel subsidies and why eliminating these harmful policies is key to addressing the climate crisis.
End Canada’s federal fossil fuel subsidies
End Canada’s federal fossil fuel subsidies
The big list of every federal subsidy for oil, gas and coal in Canada.
What you can do
Big problems require big solutions, and all of us can help make the changes we want to see. By signing petitions and attending events, you can make your voice heard and help to affect change.