Ontario has the second highest greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, but the province’s weak Environment Plan won’t do much to reduce these emissions and fight climate change.
The Solution
Ontario must strengthen its Environment Plan and start taking serious action to reduce carbon pollution from transportation, buildings, industry and electricity.
Reduce transportation emissions
Reduce transportation emissions
Switching to electric vehicles, electric buses and cleaner trucks will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent over 900 premature deaths in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area alone.
Increase energy efficiency in buildings
Increase energy efficiency in buildings
Ontario needs to invest more in energy efficiency and energy conservation programs, to reduce carbon emissions and help Ontarians save on their energy bills.
End the use of fossil gas to generate electricity
End the use of fossil gas to generate electricity
Ending coal powered electricity was a major step forward in Ontario. But the current government’s rejection of clean wind and solar power and over-reliance on dirty fossil gas is a big step backwards.
Strengthen Ontario’s Environment Plan
Strengthen Ontario’s Environment Plan
Not only does Ontario have a weak Environment Plan, but it is doing next to nothing to fulfil the promises it made in that plan.