Take Action Against The Big Sprawl in Your Region

Though the Big Sprawl is meant to railroad municipalities into expanding outwards, the actual policy documents do not fully mandate it. By rejecting flawed assumptions, and resisting backroom arm-twisting, Greater Golden Horseshoe regions are instead legally entitled to accommodate all their growth within existing boundaries.
Residents in every GTA region are fighting, and often making real progress, in getting their local governments to adopt plans that do not expand their suburbs further outwards onto farmland and natural areas.
Below are the opportunities to fight the Big Sprawl in your region.

Opportunities to Fight the Big Sprawl by Region
Durham (Durham Regional Council)
City of Pickering Council Meeting: Item 11.3 would see Pickering Council tell Durham Regional Council to approve more sprawl than the already excessive amount under consideration.
Connect with Local Organizers: Join the Stop Sprawl Durham Facebook Group and like the Stop Sprawl Durham Page.
Halton (Halton Regional Council)
Connect with Local Organizers: Stop Sprawl Halton Facebook Group
Hamilton (Hamilton City Council)
Hamilton had a big win when council voted for the Zero Sprawl version of the Municipal Comprehensive Review – but it will be important to stay alert and watch how the province responds.
In the meantime, Implementing a fixed settlement area boundary will require quick changes to local zoning. Follow @MoreNeighbours to learn how you can support this change.
Connect with Local Organizers: https://www.ssho.ca/
Peel (Region of Peel Council)
Read a blogpost explaining the situation in Peel.
Connect with Local Organizers: Stop Sprawl Peel Facebook Group
Simcoe (Simcoe County Council)
Reports are available here: https://www.simcoe.ca/Planning/Pages/MCR.aspx
Sign Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition's petition here https://simcoecountygreenbelt.ca/take-action-now-for-thriving-communities-in-the-future/
Connect with Local Organizers: Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition and Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition
Innisfil residents can write to their clerk and councillors by looking up contact info here: https://innisfil.ca/mygovernment/yourcouncil/
York (York Region Council)
Connect with Local Organizers: Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition
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