"Natural" gas furnaces have been widely embraced in terms of heating our homes, but what if we told you it's not as natural as it sounds?


What is commonly referred to as "natural" gas is, in fact, fossil gas. Fossil gas is anything but clean, and its safety is questionable at best. Communities have been fed a misleading narrative about the cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of heating homes with fossil gas. The truth is, these claims are far from accurate.


Switch your home heating to an electric heat pump. Heat pumps are not only more environmentally friendly but also more economically viable over the equipment's lifespan. By transitioning away from fossil gas, you’re contributing to a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations.


Heat pumps offer a range of benefits, serving as efficient, all-in-one systems for both heating and cooling needs, eliminating the necessity for separate units. In contrast to gas furnaces, which demand regular maintenance checks to prevent carbon monoxide issues, heat pumps provide a safer alternative. Additionally, these systems enhance air quality, courtesy of their built-in air filters.

A heat pump installed outside of a home

Five Reasons You Should Switch to a Heat Pump at Home

Ever wondered about switching? Here’s why you should.

Five Reasons You Should Switch to a Heat Pump at Home


Saving Calculator

How much could you save? Check out this savings calculator from the Canadian Climate Institute.

Heat Pump Savings Calculator


Electric Heat Pump Resources

Link to resource on savings, incentives, and how to install one.

Electric Heat Pump Resources

Gas plant

Five Reasons “Natural” Gas is Bad

“Natural” gas is not clean or green, as its misleading name implies. Find out why it's bad for your health and the environment.

Five Reasons “Natural” Gas is Bad


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