Keith revised

Keith Brooks

Programs Director

Keith was born in the ‘burbs just outside Toronto, but his passion for the environment was born in a canoe on the rivers and lakes of Northern Ontario. Keith pursued a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences from the University of Guelph and then worked for a number of years in the environmental consulting field, before enrolling at York University where he earned a Master of Environmental Studies. The move from scientist and consultant to advocate was provoked by the recognition that more science cannot solve the environmental challenge on its own. Our challenge lies not in knowing what must be done, but in doing it. We cannot choose between the environment and the economy. We can and must have both. It is this outlook which ultimately led Keith to his current role as the Programs Director at Environmental Defence.

Read Keith's Posts

Oct 18, 2014

Oil prices are down, sounding the wake up call we need

Oil prices are at a 5-year low, and that’s having some big impacts on the…

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Sep 26, 2014

A Mandate for the Environment

Yesterday, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne released her mandate letters. These set priorities for her ministers…

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Jul 08, 2014

Ontario is ready to get serious about climate change

Last Thursday, with the speech from the throne, the 41st Parliament of Ontario officially opened….

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Jun 13, 2014

Happy Global Wind Day!

The energy, my friend, is blowing in the wind. This Sunday June 15th is Global…

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