Emily Hunter
Senior Engagement Manager
Emily was practically born into the environmental movement, with her own parents involved in the forming of Greenpeace in 1971. For the last 20 years, Emily has campaigned in her own right on a wide variety of environmental issues within Canada and abroad. She got her start with saving whales in the Southern Ocean with Captain Paul Watson. Later, she worked as an ‘advocacy journalist’ with MTV Canada and TVO in producing and directing short environmental documentaries. Since then, she has spent nearly a decade working in the environmental non-profit sector on ‘people-powered’ campaigns: from coordinating a national volunteer network for Greenpeace Canada, leading a ‘national day of action’ on climate change with 350.org, to campaigning (and winning) a national strategy on plastic waste in New Zealand/ Aotearoa. Today, she leads the development and implementation of public engagement strategies for regionally directed climate campaigns in Canada. Emily holds a Bachelors of Arts from the University of Toronto, and a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University. She is the editor and author of three books, including the editor of The Next Eco-Warriors (2011), the author of the Greenpeace guidebook The Mobilization Cookbook (2016), and co-author of Mr. Mindbomb (2023).