Ashley Wallis (2)

Ashley Wallis

Associate Director

Having spent over a decade working for environmental non-profits, Ashley has designed and led citizen science programs, advocated for the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes, and campaigned to end plastic pollution and protect the world’s oceans.


As a former Great Lakes surfer, she would often lament the plastic trash she had to share the surf with. Inspired by what can be accomplished by engaged individuals and the power of environmental advocacy, Ashley was instrumental in the creation of Environmental Defence’s campaign to end plastic pollution. She now provides strategic leadership to both the plastics and freshwater campaigns. 

Read Ashley's Posts

Jul 02, 2024

Forecast for Lake Erie: Another Year, Another Toxic Algal Bloom

Statement by Ashley Wallis, Associate Director, on the NOAA’s “moderate to larger-than-moderate” Lake Erie HAB…

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May 27, 2024

Statement from Ashley Wallis, Associate Director at Environmental Defence: Ontario’s Decision to Expand Where Empties Can Be Returned Will Improve Recycling and Refill Rates

Province’s next step should be to expand deposit return to include non-alcoholic drink containers. Toronto…

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May 06, 2024

NEW POLL: Ontarians Want Deposit-Return System for Non-alcoholic Drink Containers, with Easy and Accessible Return-to-Retail

Ontario’s current recycling system only collects 43 per cent of beverage containers, but a deposit…

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Nov 24, 2023

Brampton Residents Kept in the Dark as Private Waste Incinerator Set to Quadruple in Size

ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE, TORONTO ENVIRONMENTAL ALLIANCE Groups warn that province could approve proposal without giving residents…

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Jun 09, 2023

You can’t run away from BPA — especially when it’s in your sports tee

Recently, the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) made headlines when it found bisphenol A (BPA)…

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Oct 23, 2020

Ontario’s proposed Blue Box regulation will mean more plastic waste in parks, lakes, and landfills

On Monday, Ontario released its draft Blue Box regulation. This was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to…

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Oct 09, 2020

Goodbye and good riddance! Canada to ban six single-use plastic items next year

This week, the federal government announced it would be adding plastics to the Toxic Substance…

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Sep 10, 2020

Is Ontario really going to kick its Deposit Return Program for beer, wine, and liquor containers to the curb?

Most Ontarians over the legal drinking age are familiar with the deposit return program (DRP)…

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Aug 06, 2020

#ICYMI: Plastic isn’t just all around us. It’s also inside of us

We’ve all seen that video of the turtle with a plastic straw up its nose….

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