Alberta is the largest polluter of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, making up a third of the entire country’s carbon footprint. The provincial government in Alberta is not only ignoring its pledge to reduce carbon emissions but is sabotaging Canada’s more ambitious emissions reduction plans. In doing so, Alberta continues to trample on the sovereign rights of Indigenous communities and Metis settlements. The province continues to allow tar sands mining tailings to poison the water and air of Indigenous nations living downstream of Fort McMurray, while the same companies post record-high profits. The Alberta government’s opposition to climate action also hinders free enterprise, and the rights of landowners by severely restricting renewable energy development in a way that would never be imposed on the oil and gas industry.

The Solution

Despite being the largest contributor to Canada’s emissions, Alberta also has the potential to lead the development of climate solutions. Until recently, four out of five clean energy projects in Canada were in Alberta. The province is home to some of the most important innovations in the decarbonization of transportation, agriculture, industry, and energy production. Under the right conditions, Alberta could be Canada's heart of a net zero energy transition. To achieve those conditions will take all Albertans, and Canadians working together.

Save Alberta's Clean Energy Future!

Save Alberta's Clean Energy Future!

Earlier this year, the Alberta government announced heavy restrictions that will stunt the growth of clean energy in the province.

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Stopping Toxic Tailings Growth

Stopping Toxic Tailings Growth

Environmental racism in the tar sands

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There are massive tailings ponds leaking toxic water into the Athabasca River in Northern Alberta.

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Meeting A Challenge Called Alberta

Meeting A Challenge Called Alberta

Our role is to spotlight the path forward for an Alberta energy transition

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