Ineffective requirements to control toxic pollutants could allow a dangerous spike of cancer-causing chemicals into the air and soil in the GTA


Toronto | Traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabeg, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat – Community, environmental, and health groups across Ontario are calling for a halt to the proposed massive expansion of the privately-owned waste incinerator in Brampton and a review of the province’s policy for permitting these polluting facilities. The Brampton facility owner recently completed a second Environmental Screening Report to get its proposal to expand annual waste burning capacity nearly four times — to 900,000 tonnes per year — rubber stamped by Queen’s Park.

The expansion would mean a steep increase in highly toxic pollution linked to serious health problems. Brampton, a community of workers and immigrants with a large proportion of people whose first language is not English, is already exposed to high levels of air pollution from transportation and industrial emissions. This includes heavy metals, such as lead, mercury and arsenic, and carcinogenic dioxins and furans.

“By approving the expansion, the province would signal its willingness to sacrifice this growing community to more health and environmental harm,” said Karen Wirsig, Senior Program Manager for Plastics at Environmental Defence. “Incineration produces dangerous pollutants that are not well controlled under existing regulation in Ontario. Pushing ahead with a quadrupling of capacity at the Brampton incinerator is a recipe for disaster and an environmental injustice.”

“We definitely don’t want to see Brampton become the waste burning capital of Ontario, and that would be the effect of the proposal,” said Steve Papagiannis, board member of the Brampton Environmental Alliance. “We’re asking the provincial government to put a stop to the incinerator expansion process and conduct a fuller assessment. The government should start by getting an accurate picture of the current state of air pollution in the area around the incinerator, something the company conducting its own environmental review seemed incapable of doing. The community deserves to know the impacts of this massive expansion and the alternatives to burning waste in the first place.”

Municipalities across the province, including Toronto and Ottawa, are currently exploring the idea of burning their waste, including at an expanded Brampton facility.

“Toronto and other cities need to shut the door once and for all on incineration,” said Emily Alfred, senior campaigner at the Toronto Environmental Alliance. “Audits show that we can do better: the majority of what is sent to this incinerator, and to landfills, is organic and recyclable material. Burning this waste releases massive amounts of toxic pollution and carbon emissions — it’s a climate disaster. Instead, we need to reduce waste, and ensure that the rest is composted and recycled. It would be grossly unfair to send Toronto’s garbage to be burned in our neighbours’ backyard.”

The original Environmental Screening Report from the Brampton incinerator owner showed that existing levels of benzo(a)pyrene, a probable human carcinogen produced from the burning of fossil fuels in cars, airplanes and industrial plants — and plastics in waste incinerators — are already above the provincial air quality guideline in the area. The report also found that expansion of the incinerator would result in breaching the air quality standard for dioxins and furans produced from burning waste, as well as for nitrogen dioxides.

“The proposed Brampton incinerator expansion is a ticking time bomb for the community,” said Dr. Sehjal Bhargava, Family Doctor and Co-Chair of the Ontario Regional Committee of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment. “Toxic pollution released from incinerators is linked with serious health harms, including respiratory illnesses and cancers. The proposed expansion in a predominantly working class and racialized community further emphasizes the risks that marginalized communities face from polluting industries. Increasing exposure to these pollutants in the absence of strict controls will worsen quality of life, health outcomes, and further exacerbate existing disparities.”

If the province is considering allowing the Brampton expansion, the groups have called for a full Environmental Assessment of the project and a review of provincial policy for permitting waste incinerators, Guideline A-7, prior to any permit being issued. A report commissioned by Environmental Defence demonstrates significant weaknesses in Ontario policy when compared with similar jurisdictions in the United States and Europe.

“Our experience with the modern municipal waste incinerator in Durham shows there are significant toxic releases,” said Wendy Bracken of Durham Environment Watch. “We are learning just how often the facility experiences other-than-normal operating conditions, during which the release of toxic pollutants is unpredictable and likely to be much higher than what is indicated by the very short-term tests conducted semi-annually under ideal conditions. But Ontario policy doesn’t take into account these fluctuations and therefore discounts the actual impacts of emissions on the nearby community and environment. That’s a dangerous approach and it needs to be addressed and remedied — and urgently before the Province issues any new or amended permits.”

Background documents:

Submissions 1 and 2 on the Brampton incinerator expansion

Consultant’s report on the gaps in Guideline A-7

Application for Review of Guideline A-7 under the Environmental Bill of Rights


ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE ( Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.

The Brampton Environmental Alliance (BEA) is an independent  not-for-profit organization supporting local environmental issues. Being independent from the City of Brampton gives the BEA freedom to advocate for important environmental issues while still maintaining a positive and constructive relationship with Brampton City staff and Council. The BEA is a Brampton wide network of organizations, community groups and individuals that envision Brampton growing as a sustainable community, one that is healthy and resilient environmentally, socially and economically.

Durham Environment Watch (DEW) is non-profit and non-partisan, working to ensure our Region becomes a sustainable, healthy community.  Our special focus has been waste management and DEW has been active on the Durham incinerator since it was initially proposed. DEW is one of three community groups designated by the Minister of Environment, in a Condition of EA Approval, to participate on the DYEC incinerator’s Advisory Committee.

The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) has campaigned locally to find solutions to Toronto’s urban environmental problems for over 35 years and advocates on behalf of all Torontonians for a green, healthy, and equitable city.

The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) is a physician-directed non-profit organization working to secure human health by protecting the planet. Since its founding in 1994, CAPE’s work has achieved substantial policy victories in collaboration with many partners in the environmental and health movements. From coast to coast to coast, the organization operates throughout the country with regional committees active in most provinces and all territories.

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 For more information or to request an interview, please contact:

Lauren Thomas, Environmental Defence,

Steve Papagannis, Brampton Environmental Alliance,

Wendy Bracken, Durham Environment Watch,

Jessica Gordon, Toronto Environmental Alliance,

Reykia Fick, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment,