Environmental Defence expert spokespeople are available to comment on climate change and other environmental issues including plastic pollution and toxic chemicals in our air and water
Toronto, Ont. – With climate change and the environment top of mind for many Canadian voters, it is important that Canadians have information about the threats to our country’s environment. Environmental Defence expert spokespeople are available to comment and clarify information on climate change and its solutions, along with other environmental issues, including plastic pollution, toxic chemicals in our air, water and the products people use, and the need to end subsidies to the fossil fuel industry.
WHO: Environmental Defence expert spokespeople available to comment on climate change, plastic pollution, toxic pollution, ending fossil fuel subsidies, and Great Lakes water quality.
WHERE: Toronto and Ottawa, available remotely
A briefing about key environmental issues facing Canadians this election is available here: https://environmentaldefence.ca/report/election-2021-backgrounder/
About ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE (environmentaldefence.ca): Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.
To arrange an interview with an Environmental Defence expert spokesperson, please contact:
media@environmentaldefence.ca, 647-280-9521