A decision from federal cabinet on Enbridge’s Northern Gateway tar sands pipeline is just around the corner. Today, organizations representing millions of North Americans sent a letter to B.C. decision-makers, calling on them to do everything they can to ensure this high-risk project never sees the light of day.

The letter calls on B.C. MPs to urge federal cabinet and the Prime Minister to reject this dangerous pipeline and do what is right for British Columbia, First Nations, the environment, the economy, and our shared climate.

The letter tells B.C. MPs, “Now is your opportunity to be on the right side of history by calling for the rejection of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. This pipeline is an exceedingly reckless project that would put some of Canada’s most treasured ecosystems at risk and lead to more tar sands expansion and dangerous climate change.”

Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline would transport half a million barrels of tar sands oil per day across more than 800 rivers and streams, over the Rocky Mountains, and through the Great Bear Rainforest. In Kitimat it would be loaded onto tankers, which would have to navigate some of the most treacherous waters in the Pacific Northwest.

As the letter notes, “there is no question that spills will happen, it is only a matter of when and how big – a fact acknowledged by pipeline experts and by Enbridge itself.” And a spill “in any one of these treasured ecosystems would be an environmental, economic, and cultural tragedy.”

Opposition to this pipeline has been loud and clear. First Nations reject it. British Columbians reject it. The B.C. government rejects it. Canadians reject it. And even every major political party with the exception of the federal government rejects it.

The letter is part of a final push that is happening across North America for an end to this extremely high risk project. Just two days ago, 300 scientists denounced the environmental review of the pipeline that was published in December that is meant to inform cabinet’s decision. In British Columbia, groups are calling on Premier Clark to Stand Strong in her opposition to the pipeline, and across the country, people are calling on the MPs holding the cards in cabinet to say No.

The tar sands are among the most high carbon oils on the planet and in order to avoid the worst of dangerous global warming we need to put the breaks on tar sands expansion. That means no new mines, pipelines, trains, and tankers.

If the pipeline is approved, opposition will only grow louder and stronger. And there is little doubt that the project will be tied up in courts for years to come. Those signing the letter state: “Our commitment to support every legal means to challenge an approval is unwavering. And we will stand with our First Nations and British Columbian allies wherever they need support to oppose this irresponsible pipeline project that would irreversibly damage their land, rights, economy, and our shared climate.”

The responsible action is to reject this reckless pipeline now.

Signatories to the letter include groups like 350.org, Greenpeace Canada, NRDC, Sierra Club and many more!


Read the full letter here.

Take action here by sending the Prime Minister a letter demanding an end to tar sands expansion.