October 15th - October 20th 2024
This October, transit riders, advocates, and allies are uniting to call for better funding for public transit! Across Canada, local actions will highlight urgent transit needs while pushing for:
- Speeding up the Canada Public Transit Fund.
- Allowing its funding to be used for transit service; to hire more drivers, mechanics, and workers to keep buses, trains, and streetcars running smoothly.
- Increasing its amount to help meet transit needs across the country.
This may be the first time that transit riders groups across Canada have come together for united action! Join an action below.
Get Involved in Your Community
Toronto, ON: Join TTCriders’ Rally to Fix the TTC at Bathurst Station - Oct 17, 5 PM
📍 Okanagan region, BC: The Okanagan Transit Alliance (OTA) is a grassroots transit advocacy organization who envision a publicly-managed transit system for the Okanagan region of BC that is safe, sustainable, accessible, and community-driven, and that will meet the transportation needs of this growing region. Join the OTA!
Take part in our digital actions! - stay tuned for an opportunity to take action online by sharing exciting content with your network and your family and friends!
Ottawa residents: Join us at the Transit for Tomorrow Summit on October 28th after the week of action, to showcase our collective actions to policymakers!
Actions in more cities TBA!
Contact fmills@environmentaldefence.ca if you want to connect with groups in your community advocating for better public transit!
Digital Activism and Open Letters
Environmental Defence Canada's letter to send to your MP demanding better operating funding for public transit service.
Movement: Metro Vancouver Transit Riders' Vote Better Transport BC campaign
More Transit Southern Ontario: (MTSO) advocates for more frequent, reliable and integrated transit networks for riders across Southern Ontario. Visit www.moretransit.ca to learn more
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