The Great Lakes Protection Act Alliance is a committed group of organizations and individuals that are working together to ensure the full implementation of Ontario’s Great Lakes Protection Act including:
- the protection and restoration of the ecological health of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin; and
- the creation of opportunities for individuals and communities to become involved in the protection and restoration of the ecological health of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin.
To achieve this goal, the Alliance:
- Brings people and organizations together to have conversations about implementing the Act;
- Encourages the use of the tools enabled in the Act (by governments, individuals, communities, and others); and
- Monitors and encourages government progress toward meaningful implementation of the Act.
Alliance Membership
Membership is open to any organization or individual that is interested in promoting the implementation of the Act and agrees to assist the Alliance in achieving its goals. For more information about joining, please contact

Protecting and Restoring the Ecological Health of Our Waters
In 2015, Ontario passed the Great Lakes Protection Act, but to fully realize the purposes of the Act, much more needs to be accomplished.
In this briefing document, the Great Lakes Protection Act Alliance outlines expectations for implementation of the Act for 2017-18. Our expectations focus on the key elements that are necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Act.
(Adobe Reader is required to read this pdf report. Please ensure you have the latest version.)
Some of Our Existing Members:
Dr. Gail Krantzberg, McMaster University
What is the Great Lakes Protection Act?
The Great Lakes Protection Act aims to protect and restore the ecological health of Ontario’s portion of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin. Here are some of the key benefits of this law:
- Provincial commitment to meeting targets that will reduce or eliminate harmful pollutants and address algal blooms;
- Empower communities through consultation and new opportunities for involvement; and
- Accountability, through improved monitoring and reporting.
Want to learn more? Visit the Government of Ontario’s website for more information about the Great Lakes Protection Act and the Great Lakes Guardians’ Council.
Tell us your story. Submit your Watermark. Protect your waterbody.
The Watermark Project is a community effort to collect and archive true stories about the ways people interact with water. Started by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper in 2015, the Watermark Project aims to collect one story from every Canadian household.