The Problem:
TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline plan is the largest tar sands pipeline ever proposed. It would ship tar sands oil 4,600 km across Canada, putting millions of Canadians and nearly 1,000 lakes, rivers and streams and huge lengths of coastline at risk from tar sands oil spills. This oil would not be used by Canadians, because 90 per cent of it is intended for export. Building Energy East would increase Canada’s global warming pollution equivalent to adding 7 million new cars to Canada’s roads and would enable the expansion of the Alberta tar sands, the fastest growing source of global warming pollution in Canada.
The Solutions:
This project is all risk and no reward for Canada. We can’t build a massive risky pipeline that would put Canadian communities and water at risk of oil spills, and cook our climate. Tell Premier Wynne Ontario should reject Energy East:
2. Let’s build a low carbon clean energy economy:
Solutions like renewable energy are already available, but we need to accelerate them. Learn more at:
Blue Green Canada
Clean Economy Alliance
Energy East Videos:

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