Media Articles About Highway 413:
Read these media articles on the highway and share with friends and family
Feds step in for assessment of GTA West Corridor
Environmental concerns spur Ottawa to consider Highway 413 assessment
Highway 413 locks Ontario into a high-carbon future, says Environmental Defence
Are we seeing the greening of Doug Ford?
A sprawling disaster – Ford’s plan for Ontario
Ontario’s proposed Highway 413 is a $6-billion sprawl accelerator
Letter: York Region should withdraw support of ‘white elephant’ GTA West Highway
NDP will scrap sprawl-inducing GTA West Highway plan if elected in 2022
Highway 413: The Opposition Reloads
‘It’s just going to ruin everything’: King, Vaughan groups team up to fight Hwy. 413
Halton leaders are fighting against Ford’s GTA West Highway; Brampton’s refuse to condemn it
Highway plan raises many questions
Brown misleads public on Province’s 413 Highway planned for Brampton’s west side
Survey reveals transportation, not Covid-19, top concern for Brampton businesses
Local residents form Stop the 413 coalition
More roadblocks for Ontario Highway 413
Building highways won’t help with GTA West expansion
Use your powerful voice – letter to the editor on Highway 413
‘Between 30 to 60 seconds’: New 400-series highway won’t improve commutes for Georgetown commuters
Building a commuter rail in Bolton a better way to grow the city
Aug 22 – Ford hasn’t changed his stripes
Ontario should not rush ahead with the GTA West highway
‘A highway to nowhere’: Green Party Leader, community advocates, push back against GTA West Highway
‘Poor use of tax dollars’: 3 groups release report rejecting $6B GTA West highway
New 400-series highway approved by Ontario government
Greenbelt Council, environmental advocates urge Ford government to reconsider highway plans
Ontario government confirms preferred route for GTA West Corridor
Toronto is getting a new highway but people don’t like where it’ll be located
The value of nature has never been more evident, but keeping cities green has been a challenge