Media Articles About Highway 413:

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PC highway plan will destroy the Greenbelt’s natural capital, poll shows vast majority on Ontario residents don’t support it – environmental groups demand a ban

Ahead of the Ontario election, suburban activists take on the proposed Highway 413

Calls to scrap highway 413

Ontario’s New Highway 413 Would Boost Emissions, Bake In ‘Auto-Dependent Sprawl’

Here’s what Ontario’s main party leaders had to say about Highway 413 during debate

LRT versus Highway 413

Ontario should use Highway 407 to address GTA traffic woes

Ontario leaders debate Ford’s controversial Highway 413 in kick-off to 2022 election campaign

Doug Ford won’t say what Highway 413 will cost taxpayers

Rival plans for Highway 413 take centre stage as Ontario election campaign gets underway

Enviro groups call on Ontario parties to make new highways in Greenbelt illegal

Ford’s expansionist plans must be checked

Environmental advocates rally against bypass, Highway 413

Highway 413 was always a bad idea. Now we know it’s even worse

Doug Ford’s government picked a route for Highway 413 its own experts said would ‘undermine the credibility’ of the project. Local residents are baffled

Ontario’s Greenbelt Plan must prohibit the construction of Highway 413

‘Congestion relief’: Mississauga council asks Ontario to move trucks to 407 over building controversial Hwy. 413

Clean the Highway 407 mess instead of building 413

Building the 413 won’t solve Southern Ontario’s traffic problems

How subsidizing trucks to use the 407 could cost Ontario less than building Highway 413

High-profile Ontarians demand halt to Highway 413, as election nears

Ontario to move ahead with two controversial highways in spite of opposition

Relieve Traffic Now By Shifting Trucks Onto Hwy407 Say Hwy413 Opponents

EXPLAINER: Here’s what the Federal government wants to know about the impact of Highway 413

‘So much for our path to a sustainable Brampton’: Brown and five other council members refuse to hear motion renouncing Highway 413

Mississauga not interested in Ontario government’s highway sales pitch

Ford government not considering Brampton’s request for alternative to Highway 413 through city, MPP says

Vaughan should be wary of Highway 413’s impact on residents and business

Building Hwy. 413 is the ‘antithesis’ of what ought to be done, says activist

Has Ford’s ‘end run’ around environmental protections to build highways handed Trudeau a perfect opportunity?

‘Something is stirring in suburban Ontario’: new survey finds most 905ers believe the Greenbelt is no place for a major highway

Poll shows 905ers don’t support Hwy. 413 as Markham council joins Vaughan, King in opposition to new road

Why building more roads has environmental effects and won’t ease gridlock in the long run

Highway disease: Doctors prescribe saying no to Highway 413 development

Six Nations elected council demand meeting on Highway 413

Politicians, residents divided on Hwy. 413

Ontario veering off track from its climate change targets, internal forecasts reveal

Doug Ford’s government says building Highway 413 will get us out of gridlock. Its own research suggests that isn’t true

Experts say controversial Highway 413 won’t reduce traffic congestion

Ontario’s return to the business of building roads to sprawl

Doug Ford is spending billions on highways. He should look farther down the road

The hugely controversial Highway 413 will cost taxpayers billions. But just how much the province won’t say

Proposed Highway 413 would pave over precious nature reserve in Vaughan, biologist says

‘Shame on Ford Government’: Vaughan and King residents urge York Region to axe support for $6B GTA highway

Plowing a highway through the green heart of Ontario when the natural world has been our pandemic oasis

Are we seeing the greening of Doug Ford?

A sprawling disaster – Ford’s plan for Ontario

Ontario’s proposed Highway 413 is a $6-billion sprawl accelerator

Doug Ford’s planned superhighway is a ‘slam dunk’ for developers – but some say it will be an economic disaster

Letter: York Region should withdraw support of ‘white elephant’ GTA West Highway

NDP will scrap sprawl-inducing GTA West Highway plan if elected in 2022

‘This is a stupid place to put the highway’: Doug Ford’s government has fast-tracked a new GTA freeway during COVID-19, sparking local opposition

Doug Ford plans to start building a new superhighway near the 401 next year. Why not move all the trucks to the 407 toll highway instead?

Highway 413: The Opposition Reloads

‘GTA West does not align with Orangeville’s priorities’: Council opposes Highway 413 through Caledon, Vaughan, Milton

‘It’s just going to ruin everything’: King, Vaughan groups team up to fight Hwy. 413

Halton leaders are fighting against Ford’s GTA West Highway; Brampton’s refuse to condemn it

Highway plan raises many questions

Brown misleads public on Province’s 413 Highway planned for Brampton’s west side

Survey reveals transportation, not Covid-19, top concern for Brampton businesses

Local residents form Stop the 413 coalition

Highways to climate chaos

More roadblocks for Ontario Highway 413

Building highways won’t help with GTA West expansion

Use your powerful voice – letter to the editor on Highway 413

‘Between 30 to 60 seconds’: New 400-series highway won’t improve commutes for Georgetown commuters

Building a commuter rail in Bolton a better way to grow the city

Aug 22 – Ford hasn’t changed his stripes

Ontario should not rush ahead with the GTA West highway

‘A highway to nowhere’: Green Party Leader, community advocates, push back against GTA West Highway

‘Poor use of tax dollars’: 3 groups release report rejecting $6B GTA West highway

‘The project should be cancelled’ – new report by Environmental Defence takes aim at GTA West Highway

New 400-series highway approved by Ontario government

Greenbelt Council, environmental advocates urge Ford government to reconsider highway plans

Sprawl and commercial trucks or complete communities: Why is Brampton’s plan for the massive development of its western side so different than the province’s?

Ontario government confirms preferred route for GTA West Corridor

Toronto is getting a new highway but people don’t like where it’ll be located

The value of nature has never been more evident, but keeping cities green has been a challenge

‘This is a government that would pave the Greenbelt’: Ford moves to ‘streamline’ environmental study for GTA West Highway

GTA-West Highway was killed for its bad planning; its revival by Doug Ford could be killed by COVID-19