Nate Wallace

Program Manager, Clean Transportation

Nate is passionate about shifting to clean mobility and building more sustainable cities. His background is in public transit advocacy, spending over three years in a policy role at the Canadian Urban Transit Association, where he helped shape policy and government relations efforts to achieve billions in emergency transit funding during the pandemic. His academic background includes a Masters degree in political management from Carleton University and a Bachelor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies from UNB’s Renaissance College. In his free time, Nate enjoys listening to heavy metal music, seeing movies with friends and exploring nature.

Read Nate's Posts

Jun 27, 2022

Big car corporations are profiting from pollution. Here’s what Canada can do about it

Canada can significantly reduce transportation emissions by standing up to the auto industry and implementing…

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Jun 08, 2022

The right (and wrong) way to deal with high gas prices

High gas prices should be an alarm bell signaling that we need to move away…

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