About The Report:
Ontario’s Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks recently outlined his government’s progress on its Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan, and claimed to be lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Our new report Yours to Recover: A Progress Report on Ontario’s Climate Change Actions presents evidence that Ontario’s emissions are actually rising as a result of government inaction.
After two years, the Ontario government has largely ignored its own Environment Plan and failed to take meaningful action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. What little progress has been made is in areas with the least potential for reducing emissions, while actions with the potential to deliver significant emissions reductions have been overlooked.
This report was generously supported by The Atmospheric Fund
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Environmental Defense’s new report shows that as a result of the government’s inaction, Ontario’s greenhouse gas emissions are rising when they should be falling

Our new report shows that as a result of the government’s inaction Ontario’s #GreenhouseGas emissions are rising when they should be falling #onpoli #climatechange