About The Submission:
This submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council in relation to the Fourth Universal Periodic Review of Canada examines the Government of Canada’s compliance with its international obligations to respect and protect Indigenous Peoples’ rights and the environment and asserts violations arising from Canada’s support for the petroleum industry, particularly the aging Line 5 pipeline, which is owned and operated by Enbridge, a Canadian corporation. Line 5 poses a current and foreseeable threat to a broad range of human rights. The continued operation of the pipeline risks a catastrophic oil spill and exacerbates climate change at a time when fossil fuel phase out is crucial. This threatens vital natural and cultural resources, endangering the way of life of dozens of Indigenous communities in Canada and the U.S. Enbridge is operating Line 5 without valid easements, and has also been found to be trespassing on Indigenous Peoples’ land. Indigenous Peoples on both sides of the border and the U.S. State of Michigan have publicly expressed opposition to the pipeline and called for its decommissioning.
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