About The Report:

    Because of their sheer scale, all Canadians are affected by the Tar Sands, no matter where they live.

    If you live downstream, your water is being polluted and your fish and wildlife may be dangerous to eat. If you live in Saskatchewan you are a victim of acid rain. If you live in BC, “supertankers” may soon be plying your shoreline carrying Tar Sands oil to Asia. If you live in Ontario, you are exposed to harmful emissions from the refining of Tar Sands Oil. And the impacts do not stop at Canada’s border – US refineries are re-tooling to handle the dirty oil from Alberta.

    With the Tar Sands, Canada has become the world’s dirty energy superpower.

    Environmental Defence’s report highlights the environmental and human health effects of the Tar Sands. And, outlines what the federal government should do to clean it up.

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