About The Submission:
This submission outlines our recommendations for recovery and budget actions in 2020-2021, addressing the Committee’s theme of restarting the Canadian economy as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Recommendation 1: Ensure government spending, including relief, recovery and stimulus measures, does not further entrench or introduce new subsidies to the oil, gas or petrochemical industry. This includes ensuring that support for hydrogen is directed to green, not blue, hydrogen.
- Recommendation 2: End Export Development Canada’s support for fossil fuels (including through the Canada Account) and ensure their new climate change policy aligns EDC’s entire portfolio with Canada’s climate commitments.
- Recommendation 3: Invest in climate solutions that will create jobs and stimulate Canada’s economy. Canada’s recovery from COVID is an opportunity for this country to invest in climate solutions and advance the transition to a clean economy.
- Recommendation 4: Invest $1.2 billion over five years to implement the recommendations of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Action Plan 2020-2030