Cancelling a wind farm will not help bats

Dec 22, 2019

Unfortunately, the government’s decision to tear down more wind turbines is not a win for wildlife. Rather it is a cynical and misguided use of ministerial power dressed up as a concern for bats. Read more

The prime minister is winning the carbon pricing fight, he shouldn’t back down now

Dec 09, 2019

Dale Marshall argues in the Hill Times that Canadians voted for climate action in the last election. The prime minister needs to continue to vigorously defend the policy he ran on and won. Read more

The absurdity of stalling on the Volkswagen emissions scandal

May 09, 2019

In order for Canada to truly be an environmental leader, it must get tough on polluters. Making Volkswagen pay for its crimes would be a great start. A National Observer opinion piece by Muhannad Mal Read more

When it comes to environmental laws, oil companies shouldn’t make the rules

Apr 04, 2019

The good news: Canada is in the final stages of developing a new federal law that will modernize our environmental assessment laws. Read more

We are failing on waste, and it’s time to change that

Mar 27, 2019

Ontario is consulting on its waste strategy. To reduce plastic pollution it needs to consider bans, and put a price on plastic bottles, writes Vito Buonsante. Read more

If you want cheaper produce, stop the grab for farmland

Dec 12, 2018

Tim Gray asks why the Ontario government is considering allowing developers to pave over the prime agricultural land that supplies exactly the kind of food we want, in the Hamilton Spectator. Read more

Developing the Greenbelt is a disaster on multiple levels

Dec 10, 2018

Executive Director Tim Gray explains in the Toronto Star why Ontario Bill 66 will bring more gridlock, lost farmland, polluted water and higher property taxes. Read more

Ontario's climate change plan is too little, too late

Dec 06, 2018

Environmental Defence's Programs Director and Clean Economy Program Manager explain why Ontarians should be outraged about the provincial government's insufficient and ineffective climate change plan. Read more

Why the oil and gas industry meltdown over environmental laws? They didn’t get to write them this time

Dec 03, 2018

Enough with the hysteria being drummed up by the oil and gas industry over Bill C-69, writes Patrick DeRochie in the Hill Times. They’re going to have to learn to play by the rules, just li Read more