Ontario is one of only two provinces in Canada without a deposit-return system for non-alcoholic beverage containers, and as a result, it has the worst beverage container recycling rate in the country. In 2023, the province began exploring the implementation of a comprehensive deposit-return system in Ontario. But it has yet to confirm its plan to deal with this source of plastic waste and pervasive litter. In the meantime, an estimated 1.7 billion plastic drink bottles have ended up in landfills, incinerators, and the environment.


The Ontario government must expand the deposit-return system beyond just alcoholic beverages. It's a proven, common-sense policy solution. Polling shows that, regardless of where they live or their political affiliation, Ontarians want a deposit-return system for all beverage containers. We need Ontario to act now. There is no time to waste.


Send a letter right now to environment minister, Andrea Khanjin, so she gets the message that she must finish the job of introducing a deposit-return system for non-alcoholic beverage containers. Deposit return is essential to reducing plastic pollution in Ontario.

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Plastic cup on beach cropped

When people think of plastic pollution, they tend to think of litter and landfills or the ocean garbage patches. But plastic pollution begins long before the landfill and continues long after.

The Story of Plastic in Canada

Plastic_Stock Photo_Garbage Bin

You may have heard about a miracle cure for plastic waste that creates green energy in the process—the mystical waste incinerator. It almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, unfortunately, that’s because it is.

Burning Garbage Will Not Solve the Plastic Pollution Crisis

Tragic scene of what happens when litter is found by wildlife. This baby bear cub found a plastic bottle that someone left outside and is chewing on it, curious about the unnatural object.

We got some bad news in November of 2023: a federal court judge ruled in favour of Big Plastic’s self-serving arguments and against the government’s approach to regulating plastic pollution. But what does this mean for regulating plastics in Canada?

We Will Not Back Down: Plastics Are Toxic and Must Be Regulated in Canada

compost organic waste

There’s a disturbing push for so-called “compostable” plastic to replace single-use plastic items banned by the federal government. That’s a terrible idea. “Compostable” plastic isn’t all that compostable.

Why “Compostable” Plastic Is Actually Trash