The Problem:
Every winter, we put salt on our streets, sidewalks, and parking lots to prevent slips, falls, and vehicle accidents. However, we’re using way more than is actually needed. And all of this salt is impacting our environment.
When salt dissolves, it washes into our lakes and rivers. At high concentrations, salt can seriously harm or even kill aquatic animals, including fish, crustaceans, amphibians, and plants. It can also damage infrastructure and rust vehicles.
The Solution:
Municipalities and private companies can simply use less salt or other alternatives, such as sand, that don’t have as big of an impact on the environment.
What you can do:
1. Be smart with your salt
Only apply salt after you’ve shoveled away as much snow as possible, and ideally only put it on ice.
2. Use alternatives to salt
On super chilly days, use sand instead of salt. Road salt typically loses its effectiveness at about -10 degrees Celsius. Learn about other options you can use.