Your entry must comply with the following:

  • the photo is original, is not copied from any other work, and does not infringe upon the rights of any third party;
  • the photo does not depict any third party copyrighted material, products, trademarks or logos;
  • the photo does not contain any watermarks or copyright symbols
  • the photo does not defame or otherwise violate the rights of any third party;
  • the photo is not offensive, sexually suggestive, violent, racial, profane, or slanderous, as determined in the sole discretion of the Environmental Defence;
  • photos cannot contain the depiction of any identifiable person(s) without having received their written permission.

As a contributor, you understand that images may be published on the Environmental Defence website (, in Environmental Defence’s online newsletter, and any future publications released by Environmental Defence. Environmental Defence reserves the non-exclusive right to publish any entry and/or use any entry in promotional material.

NUMBER OF ENTRIES ALLOWED PER PERSON: Unlimited. Each photo has to be entered separately.

CONTEST PERIOD: The contest ends at midnight EST on August 31, 2016. All entries (submissions) must be received on or before the time stated during that submission period.

ELIGIBILITY: Contest is open to Canadian residents only

JUDGING: Entries will be judged by staff at Environmental Defence.

Any questions? Email