Protect the environment as your legacy

With a rapidly changing climate, more toxic and plastic pollution and threats to our farms, forests and wetlands, it has never been more important to protect our future.

There is no better way to safeguard future generations than to leave a gift in your will to Environmental Defence. Your legacy gift will help us protect them and our shared environment.


Whether you are 18 or 80, having a will is vital. A will enables you to decide the distribution of your property, name guardians for your minor children, create a plan for your pets, and more. After ensuring your loved ones are cared for, consider making your passion for the environment a lasting part of your life story through a legacy gift.


We are profoundly grateful to our supporters  who have chosen to turn their dedication to the environment into a meaningful, enduring contribution. Their commitment not only reflects their passion for the cause but also ensures that their support will continue to make a positive impact long into the future.

father and daughter holding small seedling at community garden greenery






Gardening Guide - IG Sqare



Silhouette of giving a helping hand, hope and support each other over sunset background.





"I am passionate about environmental protection because our planet's health directly impacts our own. Leaving a legacy gift ensures that future generations experience mitigated impacts of climate change and communities are empowered to make sustainable choices. I want my gift to inspire others to support this cause so that we can build a healthier, greener future for everyone."

—Tyler Ward

Saul Farm #3
“We chose to provide Environmental Defence with a legacy donation because we felt it would be an ideal long-term investment in two issues that are important to us: a healthy urban environment and a rural habitat for Canada’s flora and fauna. And just as important was the fact that their strategy of identifying specific opportunities to protect the environment and then doing solid research into them, developing insightful positions on them, building awareness of them and mobilizing coalitions behind them works.“

— Linda and Bill Saul

C Berman & J Zacks picture #1
"As young parents, we worried about toxic chemicals that could harm our children. And that’s when we discovered Environmental Defence and their advocacy work. But, it was not until I joined the organization that I truly understood how carefully they use their resources to achieve strong outcomes. We want future generations to inherit a safe and healthy environment – what better way to ensure this than by leaving them a gift in our will?"

— Corinne Berman and Jeff Zacks


It’s easy to make a legacy gift to us. You simply need to specify in your will that you are leaving a gift to Environmental Defence Canada.


There are many ways to leave a legacy gift to a charity:


  • Giving a set dollar amount
  • Transferring ownership of a paid life insurance policy (valued at the cash surrender value)
  • Gift of RRSP or RRIF
  • Gift of stock, bond or mutual fund
  • Giving a percentage of your estate (after all debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests have been distributed)
  • Gift of real estate
  • Gift of any asset (artwork, etc.)

Whichever way you choose to create your meaningful gift, please use the following sample bequest language:


I give, devise, bequeath to Environmental Defence Canada

Charity Number: #11883 0835 RR0001

The sum of $____ or ____% of my Estate (or the residue of my estate)

to be used for its general charitable purposes.


When you’re making a legacy gift to us, be sure to include...


Legal Name: Environmental Defence Canada Inc.
Address: 33 Cecil Street, 1st Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1N1
Charity Number: #11883 0835 RR0001

Grandmother And Granddaughter Blowing Bubbles In Park

Frequently Asked Questions


We understand that including a gift in your will is a significant decision, and we are here to assist you with any questions. Please fill out the details below, and one of our team members will reach out to you.

Alternatively, if you would like to learn more about Legacy Giving, please feel free to send us an email at and we will get back to you soon.

Have you already decided to leave a gift to Environmental Defence?

If you have already arranged a legacy gift for Environmental Defence Canada — THANK YOU!

While you are not required to inform us, doing so would help us honor your intentions and show our appreciation for your generosity.

Knowing about future gifts allows us to build a strong financial foundation and also assists in our long-term planning.

We would be grateful if you could complete the form and we will contact you soon.

Important: The information provided does not replace professional financial or legal advice.

Please consult with a lawyer or financial advisor to explore the best options for you and your family and to maximize the tax benefits of your legacy gift.