The Conference of the Parties (COP), is an annual meeting organized under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The first one was in 1995. These negotiations bring together 198 countries to advance global efforts to prevent dangerous climate change. .Â
COP provides an essential forum for nations to collectively address the global challenge of climate change. In a world dominated by environmental issues. COP is the only forum where all countries have an equal seat at the table, including those who are most vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis.
The decisions made at COP have real implications for the future of our planet. These gatherings allow countries to set emissions reduction targets, share knowledge, and negotiate international agreements, like the Paris Agreement, which are critical for avoiding catastrophic levels of global heating. COP also ensures a degree of accountability by forcing governments to report back on their progress.
COP is also a major moment where much of the world is focused on the issue of climate change. It symbolizes hope, cooperation, and a shared commitment to safeguarding our environment and ensuring a better future for generations to come.
Phase out of Fossil Fuels: The big measure of success from COP this year will be whether or not countries agree to an equitable plan to phase out fossil fuel production.
Correct the Course: 2023 is a Global Stocktake year. That means countries will be undertaking the first official assessment of their progress on meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. This will offer an opportunity for dramatic course-correction.Â
Pay our Share: Though the climate crisis is impacting us all, it’s not impacting us all equally. Countries in the Global South, who have done the least to cause the climate crisis, are bearing the brunt of climate disasters. Canada is one of the world’s largest polluters, we need to make it right and pay our share.
Kick Big Polluters Out: The fossil fuel industry has held back our ability to meet climate goals and enact real change for decades. They should not be allowed to influence and dictate environmental policy, just like tobacco companies are not allowed to influence health policy.Â
Cap Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector: Canada cannot meet its climate commitments without forcing the oil and gas industry – responsible for nearly 30 per cent of greenhouse gas pollution – to reduce their emissions at par with the rest of the economy. The government must release its plan and target ahead of or at COP28.
Stop Financing Fossils: Governments in Canada are still subsidizing fossil fuels. Canadian banks and pension funds are among the largest financiers of fossil fuels in the world. Canada must stop funding fossils.
Advance a Just Transition: Governments must follow up on their promise from COP27 to create a Just Transition Work Program to address the socio-economic impacts of the transition away from fossil fuels, to ensure workers and communities are not left behind.
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