Attacks on the Environment

The current provincial government began attacking the environment on the first day of their first term of office.

We’ve compiled our records in the running list below, which puts a name and date on thirty-two environmental rollbacks and roadblocks they caused. Given that this page only includes what was reasonably possible to track, this is likely an underestimate. For questions, please contact

*= urgent attack

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List of Environmental Attacks Date
"Made-in-Ontario Climate Plan" Won't Significantly Reduce Emissions Ongoing
Extending Fossil Gas Pipelines to Northern Ontario instead of Electrifying Homes - Click here to learn more Ongoing
Planning to Burn More Fossil Gas for Electricity - Click here to learn more Ongoing
Sprawl MZOs - Click here to learn more Ongoing
Gutted Wetland Protect Rules* - Click here to learn more December 2022
Overruled Halton OP December 2022
Overruled Hamilton OP December 2022
Removed 7400 acres from the Greenbelt* - Click here to learn more December 2022
Encouraged Conservation Authorities to sell off natural heritage - Click here to learn more November 2022
Further reduced powers of Conservation Authorities in Bill 23 - Click here to learn more November 2022
Auditor General Published FIVE Reports on Environmental Failures - Click here to learn more December 2021
Created Exemptions For Species Newly Classified as Endangered October 2021
Exempted Bradford Bypass from Environmental Assessment - Click here to learn more October 2021
Further Reduced Conservation Authority Powers Bill 229 - October 2020
Exempted Logging from Environmental Assessments - Click here to learn more July 2020
Cancelled Agreements with Matawa Tribal Council in Ring of Fire - Click here to learn more August 2019
Revived the Bradford Bypass Highway though the Holland Marsh August 2019
Cancelled More Energy Conservation Programs - Click here to learn more July 2019
Handcuffed Conservation Authorities - Click here to learn more Bill 108 - June 2019
Exempted Manu Projects/Activities from Environmental Assessments - Click here to learn more Bill 108 - June 2019
Limited Public Participation in Environmental Assessments - Click here to learn more Bill 108 - June 2019
Made it Harder for Cities to Create New Parks - Click here to learn more Bill 108 - June 2019
Removed Endangered Species Protections - Click here to learn more Bill 108 - June 2019
Environmental Law Group Hit by Legal Aid Cuts June 2019
Pushing Municipalities to Open More Land for Sprawl - Click here to learn more June 2019 - Present
Axed Plans to Plant 50 Million Trees - Click here to learn more April 2019
Cut Funding for Indigenous Conservation - Click here to learn more April 2019
Cut Flood Management Funding - Click here to learn more April 2019
Spent Millions Fighting Carbon Tax - Click here to learn more April 2019 - March 2021
Repealed Green Energy Act* - Click here to learn more Bill 34 - December 2018
Removed Electric Chargers from GO Stations - Click here to learn more November 2018
Fired Chief Scientist* - Click here to learn more July 2018
Axed GreenOn Energy Rebates - Click here to learn more July 2018
Axed Electric Vehicle Rebates - Click here to learn more June 2018
Cancelled Cap and Trade Agreements* - Click here to learn more June - October 2018
Repealed Toxic Reductions Act - Click here to learn more Bill 66 - April 2018
Paid $231 Million to Cancel Renewable Energy Projects - Click here to learn more 2018 - 2019
Revived the $6-10 Billion Highway 413 Plan 2018 - Present
Total Attacks (that we can track)
= 37


YTP_Redside Dace

Save Ontario's Endangered Species!

Species at risk in Ontario are at a tipping point. With over 230 threatened or endangered species, the province is currently losing more biodiversity than we are conserving.

Multi lane highway shot through an airplane window, area surrounding Pearson International Airport close to city of Toronto.


The proposed highway is a threat to climate goals, farmland and endangered species. Act now.