This blog is part of our series outlining what we see as some of the key environmental issues voters should keep in mind as they talk to candidates and when they cast their ballots. 

It has become increasingly clear that protecting sensitive natural areas, like wetlands, has not been a priority for Ontario. This has been demonstrated by the dismantling of critical policies and programs that were once in place to protect wetlands from the threats of sprawl. The Ontario Wetland Evaluation System and Conservation Authorities Act have both been gutted to accelerate urban sprawl at the expense of Ontario’s precious wetlands. Additionally, the new Provincial Planning Statement didn’t carry over policies that were once an important backstop for wetland protection. Why were these changes made? To benefit wealthy developers.

We need wetlands. There’s a reason why they’re referred to as “the kidneys of the earth.” They clean our water, store carbon, provide habitat for so many critters, and they help prevent floods – like the ones we experienced in the Greater Toronto Area last summer. Through providing these services, wetlands provide over $50 billion in benefits to our lives per year in southern Ontario alone. 

But despite their importance, southern Ontario has already lost a majority of its original wetlands – over 72 per cent! Our remaining wetlands continue to be threatened by harmful human activities like draining, paving and filling for development. If we keep on this path of loss, life as we know it will drastically change. We need leaders that put wetland protection ahead of unnecessary sprawl.

What to look for in our future government

A party that’s serious about environmental protection must include a plan to ensure that southern Ontario’s remaining wetlands are protected. The right candidate will:

  • Commit to no more wetland loss in southern Ontario
  • Restore and strengthen the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System and the Conservation Authorities Act
  • Amend the Provincial Planning Statement to include broader protections for wetlands
  • Develop a strong framework to support the restoration of wetlands that have been degraded or destroyed 
  • Reinstate and implement existing laws and policies like the Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario and Great Lakes Protection Act to set and enforce targets for wetland protection

For too long, Ontario has turned its back on wetlands and all the amazing things they do for us. Our future government must change course and prioritize the protection of our wetlands.

We need to tell all party leaders and candidates to protect Ontario’s wetlands!