Alex Walker

Alex Walker

Climate Finance Program Manager

Alex is originally from the South of England, but has been concerned with Canadian environmental protection since the moment they arrived. They have been interested in stopping climate change for their whole life, which led them to pursue their Masters in Environmental Studies at York University, studying climate change and social change. From growing up through the financial crash to blocking roads as part of divestment campaigns, Alex has long wanted to turn their efforts to climate finance. With a wide range of experience in political campaigning, fundraising, the sustainable food sector and non-profits, they are passionate about leveraging money for good, not for profit.

Read Alex's Posts

Apr 25, 2024

Sustainable Finance 101: Transforming Finance for a Sustainable Future

Canada promised to cut its greenhouse gas emissions after the 2016 Paris Agreement. It was…

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Mar 06, 2024

New Research Exposes How Canadian Banks are Undermining Climate Goals and Risking Client’s Money

Toronto | Traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabeg, the Haudenosaunee, and…

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Mar 04, 2024

Sustainable Finance 101: The Impact of Climate Change on Your Money

In part one of this series we introduced you to the huge role that the…

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Feb 13, 2024

Couples therapy – let’s fix our relationship with the financial sector

Roses are red, violets are blue. I love climate-aligned financial regulations, and you should too….

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Feb 08, 2024

A Green Future is an Affordable Future

As a recent graduate, there were countless times as a student when I would lay…

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Jan 25, 2024

Sustainable Finance 101: Understanding the impact of your money

Money makes the world go round, and our interest in it is near universal. Whether…

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Nov 14, 2023

The Elephants Not in the Room – Sustainable Finance Forum 2023

Last week, I attended the two-day Sustainable Finance Forum in Ottawa to hear about Canada’s…

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