We Can’t Afford to Lose Any More Wetlands to Sprawl

Feb 02, 2024

Wetlands are essential for the health of Ontario’s environment. They provide habitats for so many species like the Northern Map turtle and Least Bittern, and are one Read more

Death by a Thousand Cuts: Ontario's Dismantling of the Endangered Species Act

Jan 26, 2024

In Ontario, there are currently over 200 species of plants and animals at risk of extinction. These species are the most vulnerable and require species-specific conserv Read more

We're in Court to Defend Ontario Youth's Right to a Stable Climate

Jan 15, 2024

This week, we’ll be at the Court of Appeals for Ontario in support of seven youth who are suing the Ontario government over its Read more

Enbridge Gas Caught Lying About its Home Heating Costs and Impacts

Jan 10, 2024

In an attempt to expand its “natural” gas infrastructure across Ontario, Enbridge Gas is telling residents that gas is the cheapest way to heat their homes. It’s Read more