Brendan Smith and Keaghyn King

Seaquam Secondary School (Delta, BC)

We wouldn’t eat this, so why should the planet?

Plastic waste in general is a big problem. When people eat food inside a plastic wrapper, they just care about the food and don’t take the ten seconds to walk to a recycling bin and throw it out. Worst case, they will throw it on the ground without a care but they don’t realize the effect this has on our environment. Birds can come and think its food and could choke and possibly die; if it gets into our oceans, the same thing could happen to the fish. Garbage could pollute our water until we no longer have fresh drinking water. Our solution to solve this would be to have a recycling depot where people are able to go and return their recyclables for money much like a bottle depot. This solution could save our animals and help to keep our environment cleaner.