TransCanada just pulled the plug on Energy East.
This is a huge victory, and good news for the climate and all Canadians that stood up for our land, water and communities.

The message from today’s cancellation of Energy East is loud and clear: new tar sands pipelines don’t make sense – economically or environmentally – in a world that is tackling climate change and moving away from fossil fuels.
The reason for Energy East’s cancellation is simple: New tar sands pipelines can’t be justified during a time of low oil prices, declining investment in the tar sands, pipeline overcapacity, and an unstoppable transition to renewable energy.
Energy East was a terrible idea right from the start, and Canadians from coast to coast knew it. It put drinking water across six provinces at risk of an oil spill. It failed to respect Indigenous rights and title. It put the iconic Bay of Fundy at greater risk of a tanker spill. It faced massive opposition from communities and First Nations along the pipeline route. And it was incompatible with the Alberta emissions cap and Canada’s targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Together, we helped raise the profile of these issues. And we told our elected officials and TransCanda that these risks are not acceptable. Today, our efforts have been rewarded!
I am overwhelmed by a deep sense of gratitude to all our supporters that have championed our efforts to stop Energy East. Thank you for all of your likes, shares, tweets, petitions, donations, events and rallies over the years.
Canada’s tar sands are among the highest cost and highest carbon oil reserves in the world. As the global effort to fight climate change accelerates and oil demand is displaced by new technologies like electric cars, tar sands oil will be among the first to go.
Today’s cancellation of Energy East makes it clearer than ever that it’s time for Canada to turn the corner on further tar sands development. Instead of pipelines, tar sands and tankers, let’s accelerate our work to build a clean economy.
Thanks again for all your help. This victory would not have been possible without you. Please donate today to support our campaigns to stop tar sands expansion and build a clean economy.