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How will a warming climate impact water in Canada?

At Environmental Defence, we work hard to safeguard Canada’s water as well as our shared climate. This World Water Week, we wanted to take a moment to discuss how our changing climate is impacting water relied upon by millions of Canadians. Here are a few examples of how climate is already affecting water and our…

Good riddance to the Ontario Municipal Board

Good Riddance to the Ontario Municipal Board Reforms promise to bring back democracy to city planning When the province announced it was shutting down the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and replacing it with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, there was good reason for a collective sigh of relief from municipalities and citizens. It is expected…

Canada favours tar sands companies over human health

The federal government gives polluters a free pass while it ignores the high cancer rates among some Alberta Indigenous communities. That’s how I’d sum up last week’s gravely disappointing explanation for why Canada sits by doing nothing while tar sands tailings ponds are leaking toxic chemicals into Alberta rivers such as the Athabasca River, Beaver…

Too Hot to Handle: My First Experience with Extreme Heat

Summertime for many people represents a season of relaxation and fun. Unfortunately, it’s increasingly becoming synonymous with heatwaves and extreme weather events caused by climate change.  As the climate continues to change and average global temperatures rise, heat domes, heat waves, and extreme temperatures days will become more frequent. For example, research by climate scientists…

Burning Garbage Will Not Solve the Plastic Pollution Crisis

You may have heard about a miracle cure for plastic waste that creates green energy in the process—the mystical waste incinerator. It almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, unfortunately, that’s because it is.  We know how many people want to rid the world of plastic waste and shift to sustainable energy….

Preventing Bug Bites Naturally: Non-Toxic Ways To Keep Insects at Bay

As you venture into the great outdoors this summer, it’s important to prioritize your well-being without relying too heavily on hazardous chemicals for protection. However, if there’s anything that can take away from the joy of a glorious summer, it’s those buzzing, biting, and sometimes disease-spreading insects! Before you reach for bug spray, let’s explore…