Reports & Guides

Our Latest Report Drawing from Despots About The Report: This report shows how the tactics employed by the Alberta Government to harass, silence and intimidate critics of the oil industry are similar to those used in… Read Now > Reports & Guides By Issue Our work is based on research, science, and a strong understanding of the facts. Below…

Memo to Metrolinx: Ditch the gas plant and go solar

This is a guest blog by Jamie Kirkpatrick, Program Manager for Blue Green Canada an alliance between Canadian labour unions, environmental, and civil society organizations that believe a sustainable economy must provide good jobs and protect the environment, not one or the other. The Eglinton Crosstown LRT could be emissions free but not if a…

Regulatory Proposal under Ontario’s Condominium Act, 1998

About The Submission: A joint submission by The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) and Environmental Defence (ED). TAF and ED were encouraged to see Ontario’s Ministry of Government and Consumer Services put forward proposed regulatory changes to the Condominium Act in support of the expansion of Electrical Vehicle charging infrastructure.   Download the submission (English) (Adobe Reader…

Under the Influence

About The Report: Get to know how your councillors were funded. Under the Influence: Election Funding in Ontario’s Greenbelt looks at the 2006 election campaign contributions of 209 elected mayors and councillors from 24 municipalities across the Regions of Halton, Peel, York and Durham. Download the guide/report (English) (Adobe Reader is required to read this…

National Energy Board Modernization

About The Submission: We support an overhaul of energy and environmental regulation to protect Canada’s natural capital, meet climate commitments, and fulfill the federal government’s promise to balance a healthy economy with a healthy environment.   Download the submission (English) (Adobe Reader is required to read this pdf report. Please ensure you have the latest…

Notice of objection for the re-evaluation of glyphosate

About The Submission: Our joint notice of objection calls on Health Canada to reconsider their decision to grant continued registration of glyphosate. We are calling for the Minister to set up an independent committee to assess the real risks of glyphosate under the Pest Control Products Act. Otherwise, the next re-evaluation will be conducted in…

Submission on Bill 32: Access to Natural Gas Act

About The Submission: We applaud this government’s efforts to enhance energy affordability for rural and northern communities in Ontario. But we caution against using ratepayer subsidies to expand natural gas infrastructure, especially when cleaner, cheaper, made-in-Ontario solutions exist.   Download the submission (English) (Adobe Reader is required to read this pdf report. Please ensure you…

Comments on the repeal of the Green Energy Act

About The Submission: In repealing the Green Energy Act, 2009, Ontario should make sure to distinguish between perceptions of the Act itself and clean, renewable energy more generally, so as not to lose out on the massive opportunities for low cost power that clean energy can provide.   Download the submission (English) (Adobe Reader is…

Report: Your Home Electricity Bill

About The Report: Your Home Electricity Bill: A Study on the Costs in Ontario shows that renewable energy accounts for a relatively small part of residential electricity bills. The study includes new data, from an independent energy consulting firm, that calculates the role renewable energy plays in electricity bills in Ontario today, and in 2024….